Thursday, December 8, 2016


Just to clarify, the redhead in the last comic WAS Ginger. Mi Ching's adventures take place a few years after Ginger's started.

Curiousity Killed the Gurgle

Mi Ching's Secret

The Air Realm

  Mi Ching Gurgle is an air gurgle monster who lives in the air realm. The air realm is where most air gurgle monsters choose to live, although they can live on earth. The gurgle monsters in the air realm live in greek-like temples called "Camas". The inside is decorated similarly to a human home. Time in the air realm passes faster than it does in the human realm. The human realm is only accessible by an invisible staircase that only gurgles can see. The staircases are built in every Cama and in the Hall of Stairs, but they can only be opened by a meditating air gurgle. Although time moves faster in the air realm, air gurgles age the same as humans. So to them they live longer than humans (although that isn't really the truth [even though the longest living creature is currently an air gurgle]). Any human who enters the air realm alone is very respected, for not many can find a staircase. Okay, no human has found a staircase. The air realm is made up of cloud cities, which are groups of clouds that hold many gurgle homes and shops. Mi Ching lives in a cloud city called Jivo. The only ones who can live in the Air Realm are air gurgles, so any others who enter must wear a breathing implant, which is a sticker that you stick to the roof of your mouth. Human slaves who live there have a permanent implant which is surgically placed in the roof of your mouth. There are also schools for gurgles in the Air realm, where gurgles learn how to fly, avoid humans, meditate, and basically everything else they need. Air gurgles can fly only in the air realm. In the air realm it still precipitates, but from the ground instead of the sky.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Now What?

The Earth Gurgle Monster

  The earth gurgle monster is the most common of the gurgle monsters. It has old rag colored fur, and green hair. It likes anything to do with earth and redheads. The earth gurgle monster eats a lot of old wood. They have no teeth and four arms. They also are incredibly smart. The are afraid of heights, and large eyebrows. Their favorite activity is chewing rusty buckets. If you ever meet an earth gurgle monster, give it a plant or a saxophone. It will take both offerings and leave you unharmed. An earth gurgle monster will not kill you. It will lock you in a jail cell instead. They are an element gurgle. They are very intuitive and with practice it can reach the human world. Now you know about the earth gurgle monster.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Air Gurgle Monster

  The air gurgle monster is one of the four elemental gurgles. They come in varied color combinations consisting of white, grey, pale indigo, ice blue, and lavender. They enjoy floating and playing tricks on humans. They eat clouds and carbon dioxide. They have four arms and no teeth. The air gurgle monster is the most creative of the gurgle monsters. They are afraid of being kept in tight spaces, for they love the open airy feel of the sky. They enjoy jumping on clouds and making it snow.  An air gurgle will accept offerings of flowers and maracas. An offering will ensure that you will never be harmed by that gurgle. If provoked, the air gurgle will bring you to it's cloud fortress and make you it's slave.  Air gurgles come from clouds. The clouds will form into the shape of a monster, and the gurgle will emerge from it. Air gurgles are taken care of by the first gurgle that finds them. When they are mature enough they are allowed to go down to the world by a magical invisible staircase. Air gurgles hate to be spotted in a public place. When an air gurgle looks through a human mirror, they see themselves as a human. This will scare most gurgle monsters because it turns out they are afraid of humans. When an air gurgle is created, it can choose it's last name. When it is found it will also take on its mother's last name, although when it becomes an adult, it will loose that name. Although all air gurgles will have these things in common, they all have their own unique personality.

About the Life of Gurgle Monsters

  This blog has been created by the creators of Mira's Unusually Strange Life and The Extraordinary Life of Ginger Wells. If you have read either blogs, you will know that gurgle monsters are a recurring monster that gurgles and is seemingly evil. Here you will be able to look into the lives of gurgle monsters and see how they live their lives.
  Lisy, the author of Ginger's adventures, will be writing about an air gurgle monster.
  Natalie, the author of Mira's adventures, will be writing about an earth gurgle monster.